For anyone fond of Zappa, Black Midi or Tool, while ready to jump into an ever surprising adventurous ride.
Conceived in Berlin & Arnhem as an existential and political reaction to the controversial pandemic times, art rock outfit Them Caged Dogs breaks into the scene with a rollercoaster of tightly executed experimental repertoire combining punk, progressive- and jazz rock-takes, metal nuances and psychedelic harmonics, ambient electronic interludes and symphonic epic evolutions. The figure of Zacharias S. Falkenberg, founding member of Them Caged Dogs, together with the sound of his guitar, naturally embody the story of liberation, a tale of embracing suffering, transformation, and freedom of expression. Before Falkenberg launched TCD, he had already gained scholastic musical experience with The Chronometer’s Orchestra – a chamber ensemble that performed his "Neue Musik" and experimental jazz compositions. To give a rocking response to his former musical avenues, he formed TCD, a liberal, modern, uncompromising, critical of society art rock group, that avoids clichés while playing them out in a fresh and modern way. Outcast music for misfits, that appreciate sonic adventures full of sudden genre turns. Music, that explicitly stands against misanthropy, populist politics, and xenophobia, in order to back and stimulate diversity.

Nicolai Fedder
(+31)623810690 NL